Our fire detection system is a reliable system for surveillance and recognition of spontaneous fires inside bunkers or free air dumps of waste or combustible materials like paper or charcoal among many others.

Since the dumped materials are mostly inflammable the probability of spontaneous combustions is high with disastrous effects for man and environment. Assurances recommend the usage of fire early warning systems based on infrared cameras.

The well introduced high performance infrared camera PYROVIEW combined with the powerful Software PYROSOFT FDS for the analysing of thermo graphic images allows an early recognition and fire prevention.


  • Infrared camera PYROVIEW 380L or PYROVIEW 640L
  • Measure range from –20 °C to 500 °C
  • 384 × 288 elements or 640 × 480 elements
  • Wavelength from 8 μm to 14 μm
  • Max. frame rate 50 Hz
  • Industrial housing IP 65 or weatherproof housing
  • Digital data transmission via Fast Ethernet, optionally FO
  • Pan-tilt head
  • Visual camera option
  • PC with TFT monitor
  • I/O system and control panel
  • Software PYROSOFT FDS
The infrared camera PYROVIEW mounted to a pan-tilt head monitors automatically the user defined area to be observed and quantifies continuously the temperature distribution on the surface.

The software PYROSOFT FDS checks the temperatures inside the regions of interest (ROI). An alarm will be raised in case of exceeding the predefined temperature limit and the current infrared image is saved.

Alarms and the system status are displayed on the monitor and the control panel. External equipment for alerting and firefighting can be controlled via the flexible I/O system.

The software PYROSOFT FDS is easy to handle and offers various possibilities to setup the whole functionality:


  • Displaying of status information
  • Displaying of the maximal temperature inside the image
  • Definition of ROIs (region of interest)
  • Overview images and state of single sectors
  • Cyclic changeover for up to 4 cameras
  • Current image of the camera setting off an alarm
  • Free positioning of the pan-tilt head in manual operation mode








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