System Advantages
Innovative humidification system advantages
Airtec® humidification systems are developed as modular components making it easy to suit a multitude of application needs from small, medium size through to large scale industries. Airtec®s product program consists of three control units for manual service, pumps, sensors, reverse osmosis (and softening systems) and a range of atomisers producing atomised water. For larger scale solutions Airtec® offers a SCADA software system for central surveillance. The system ensures flow control surveillance, option for temperature control with night setback, data log and many other features.
Also we have now developed our HydroBasic program for the agriculture.
The Airtec® HydroPress System for large and medium size industries
Airtec® HydroPress is an advanced high-pressure humidification system, with a high level of flexibility, special features and options. This includes unlimited water capacity and humidity zones. High/Low humidity control, Flow control, Hygienic Rinse system, Scada Data-Log and 95% frequency inverted pump system adding no additional heat to the process water – the hygienic safe solution.
• PLC control for unlimited zones of individual humidity control
• High/Low humidity control
• Hygienic Rinse system, activated every 6 hours
• Flexible pump systems and water capacity
• 95% frequency inverted pump system; maximum flexibility, long life time, low energy consumption, hygienic safety
• Temperature controlled pump
• Flowcontrol
• Possibility for Scada Interface
• Remote communication via modem optional
The Airtec® HydroLine System for small and medium size applications
Airtec® HydroLine is built with the control, solenoid valves, pump, display, frequency inverter and flow control – as a self contained unit. It's so much more than just an optimised solution.
Everything is assembled and tested before delivery.
The system is wall mounted. Connect power and water and you are ready to run. Fast, easy and safe.
• PLC Control up to 8 zones
• Capacity from 24 to 700 l/h
• Frequency inverted pump system
• Variable On/Off time
• Hygienic Rinse System
• Flow Guard
• Touch screen display
• Service Monitoring system
• Energy efficient humidity
• Produced according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 22000 HACCP
• Options 1: Remote controlling via PC and data logging
• Options 2: 160 l/h extra Pump capacity
• Options 3: 600 l/h add on pump
The Airtec® EasyLine System for small and medium size applications
Airtec® EasyLine is built with the control, solenoid valves, pump, display, frequency inverter and flow control – as a self contained unit. It's so much more than just an optimised solution.
Everything is assembled and tested before delivery.
The system is wall mounted. Connect power and water and you are ready to run. Fast, easy and safe.
• PLC Control up to 3 zones
• Capacity from 12 to 600 l/h
• Frequency inverted pump system
• Variable On/Off time
• Hygienic Rinse System
• Flow Guard
• Energy efficient humidity
• Produced according to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 22000 HACCP
The Airtec® HydroBasic System – For Agriculture
A simple and effective system for high-pressure humidification. HydroBasic is developed with our well recognized quality but tailored and targeted to provide high-pressure cooling for the agriculture sector.
• Intelligent control 3 zones
• Variable operation/pause time
• Hygienic rinse system
• Sensor with display – for temp. control and max. humidity control
• Frequency inverted pump system
• Run/drain valve prevent drip
• Soaking function
• Airtec® SlipLock Hose/fitting system
BM-Sensor GmbH
Even voorstellen: BM-Sensor GmbH is een jong bedrijf dat bezighoud met de verkoop en adversing op het gebied van hoogwaardige Temperatuur- en vochtmeetgereedschappen, zowel hand,- als online meetmethoden. Verder zijn we gespecialiseerd op het gebied van procesbeheersing en procesoptimalisatie d.m.v. online Temperatuur- of Vochtmeting of een combinatie hiervan ten behoeve van proceskostenreductie.
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